Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How Do I Make The Desmume

about to press the red button

13 días es una película que narra la crisis de los misiles en Cuba y cómo fue vivida por todo el gobierno estadounidense. La presencia de armas nucleares soviéticas en la isla amenazaba la seguridad de EEUU , y ponía en un serio aprieto a dicho país, pues responder con force could very easily trigger a nuclear war between the two superpowers .

Throughout the film, President Kennedy Jonh , assisted by counsel Kenneth O 'Donnell , try to handle a difficult diplomatic situation, amid strong pressure by the army, which aims exploit the situation to start a war. The constant fear of imminent nuclear attack anguish of the characters. Kenneth O 'Donell and Jonh Kennedy are specially treated as one of the few who maintain a pacifist stance.

If really all actions Kennedy in the film correspond completely with historical reality, is something that I can not say, what is clear is that the figure of president is sublimated to a mythical figure, as often happens in all American films, leaving doubts about the true nature of Kennedy .

In any case, is a film that during its two hours, and although not technically a masterpiece (moving there from plans that do not come to mind shifted to a black and white that is neither clarified or justified) is a story that leaves the viewer completely trapped, it is well run and possibly because the fact of witnessing historical events adds great concern how close he could get to be in the disaster.

Title in English: Thirteen Days
Original title: Thirteen Days
Year: 2000
Country: USA
Director: Roger Donaldson
Screenplay: David Self
Music: Trevor Jones
Photography: Andrzej Bartkowiak
Starring: Kevin Costner , Bruce Greenwood, Steven Culp, Dylan Baker, Shawn Driscoll, Drake Cook
Company: Alliance Atlantis presents a New Line Cinema / Beacon Pictures Production
Length: 145 min.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

How To Remove Ikea Wall Mirror


December 21 gathered for the inauguration of a new roundabout in Moron de la Frontera, something peculiar, because the Base Aerea de Moron de la Frontera delivered a war plane at the base, for many years, but by desuzo, F -5.
There were several events to celebrate this event, among others, open doors at the base, was a model airplane club doing an exhibition with sailboats, acrovaticos, models and helicocteros, estubo porcierto quite well and did eSCelente day and sun. Also
army blew up three Mirage jets, F-18 and Eurofaiter, which is what is meant to be a base that flies far above the rest. the truth made a very good day and my children enjoyed a great time.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Intitle,live View/-axis Inurl;view/view,shtml


In these intimate dates, there are many things that can cause any of my repeated kicking.
I learned last year when it started, but of course this year with the crisis for some twisted and perverse reason is also in force. The fashion of adding heavy metals into the food, in a display of originality combined attack of wild and craving for absolute distinction. Look

a coincidence that the metals chosen for this purpose are not other than silver and gold, as if there were others in the periodic table to take hand. Suddenly, for some mysterious reason, these metals commonly associated with luxury and ostentation during all the centuries of human history, seem to have a clearly marked beneficial effects on human health effects, of course, have nothing to do with the fact they simply are valuable for other reasons quite different.

So we do not care to name the Egyptians or the Romans or other ancient civilizations , with far less medical knowledge and used, thus boasting the most supine ignorance.

regret, for the rich and wealthy classes of this society, the fact that something is expensive, whether gold, silver or platinum does not mean to do that will cure all the ills of the world, though it would desabled for these miraculous cures reaching only the few who can afford it, which are those of course have more right to live or live better than the rest of mortals.

Sadly for them, possibly most valuable remedies are no heavy metals in the manufacturing its luxurious jewelry and other scrap metal, but perhaps in the Amazon jungle, camouflaged as humble seedlings of nothing looks cool who had time left to be discovered before it caused the excessive cutting by our excessive consumerism and our great system of capitalist development end with this.

But while that happens, you can enjoy your meals bathed in silver, gold and platinum, (although the latter is yet to come). And to acquire the bottle of cava gold 24 carat , beautiful, with snow falling endlessly gold in the bag as in times of crisis, for about a measly $ 100.

No adverse effect studied (for now) on the mainline fact mouth several milligrams of gold and silver. And of course, to the upper classes of this society will not care in any case be fairly drinking poisoned liquid metal if the opportunity arises, if that feels better thinking that they are the chosen few who can afford it.