Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rebook Wicket Keeping Gloves

AMY TAN, A Place Theatre

This "A place counterbore nothing" AMY TAN has surprised me as one of the rarest books and unclassifiable.

Highly entertaining in its nearly 500 pages can be read as several things at once: as a chronicle of trips where the absurd is complicating the trip for pleasure ... while as a touch ironic about the difficulties of intercultural communication. Another reading more? As a thriller, a police, a view that shows a confused political situation other llamadaMyanmar the former Burma.

these confusions in the bowl that ends up being like a urinal most sacred temple, while a trivial magic tricks are interpreted as the science of a long-awaited demigod in the more distant tribe. A guidebook I know the various dialects and complicates everything, spoiled food, puff ... there are a thousand items.

The different views of an object or phenomenon will complicate things and pose serious danger to those rich Americans, the homeless and of BIBI CHEN, who can not accompany them on that exotic trip she planned for one thing: die just before, when can no longer cancel. Ah yes something can: book gives himself a psychic and we can learn from his omniscience complications this trip.

The richness of the story is delicious, super recommended and not be frightened by the bulkiness of the book.