Monday, March 23, 2009

Toddler Always Thirsty

is difficult to critique neutral about possibly one of the adaptations of comic the most anticipated big screen. Watchmen war has been much can be made into a film, and it seems that has not been an acclaimed blockbuster. multitude of fans are unhappy with the film.

Why? They expected something else, something that was up to the original ... another masterpiece but this time held in the cinema. Maybe they expected a new "300" but with the complex plot of the graphic novel More. Impossible.

's graphic novel Alan Moore and Gibbons is, few doubt, one of the greatest jewels in the world of comic . The complexity of its plot, the stories of each of their characters, their continuous temporal leaps, his tone in more than 200 pages was certainly something really difficult and risky to film. Nothing to do with "300" where the point is the epic tone, much easier to adapt to another medium.

On the contrary, part of the greatness of Watchmen, "the comic - is precisely the development of the story from page to page, in the details of the plot. A movie completely faithful to a history of this type would take at least 5 hours, and would be more like the dull Kurosawa Japanese film that the move "300."

Again, the problem is that the gente no acaba de comprender que el cine, la literatura y el mundo del cómic , por mucho que puedan parecerse a veces, no tienen nada que ver, y cada uno de ellos, usa un lenguaje diferente.

Aunque todos ellos usen imágenes, siguen siendo medios completamente distintos. Ésto parecerá una obviedad, pero visto ciertas críticas de Watchmen y a otras adaptaciones, creo que tal vez convendría recordarlo. Una película puede ser mejor o peor adaptación fiel de una novela o un cómic , pero lo que no hay duda es que, desde luego, es una obra diferente plasmada en otro medio, y debería tener un valor único como tal, no como mera copia of the original story.

Personally, I like a lot and I reread Watchmen from beginning to end before seeing the film. On the contrary, I read the comic time ago, did not remember all the details, and I'm glad for it. When I went to see Sin City the movies I remember I had a feeling that was going to read the comic , only this time I was on a movie screen. The result was that I was not sure what story was that they were telling me. And of course, I knew the end ...

For that reason, I recommend reading the comic bit before seeing the film. Otherwise it will always be a byproduct of work in which it is based, and completely lose their identity. Film and literature or comic belong to different worlds, and we must always know how far either with their own forms of expression and to differentiate them.

About Watchmen I do not think it is a poor fit, an aberration, etc as I have read about. The movie, of course, does not reach the height of another masterpiece that has the comic , but expect it may be too. Beyond its use and often abuse, the slowdowns (which seem to be fashionable), I further details of "modernez" is not a bad movie. Without being a masterpiece of cinema, Zack Snyder defends is trying the difficult work of Moore . No doubt it's made to please a young audience, known for its extreme violence rarely, and is garnished with is certainly a good soundtrack, using absolute temazos of the 60-80 it is not difficult recognize.

The look of the film is impeccable, and adequately convey the decadent air surrounding the alternative America Moore. And he goes wrong with it tampco the costumes of the characters, always so sensitive in such films does not seem out of tune too, even though the outfits of each isolated, also comic may be even ridiculous.

characters in terms of characterization and action are pretty good, and, as I remember-not stray far from those described by Moore. Rorschach, the thread of the story, I was pleasantly surprised.

On the other hand, many find Watchmen, sure, certain points in common with The Dark Knight . The truth is that everything you have in common with the last delivery Batman is not rather than what is actually embodied in Moore's novel . Perhaps this is one of the reasons why there seems to be too surprised the movie: The Dark Knight and beat him to the humanization of Batman, and another similar story, this time made on various super-heroes, does not seem very original in comparison.

In any case, Watchmen is not bad as a movie for entertainment. The greatness of the work of Moore is not comparable to the film, but to have a good time, Watchmen is not a bad choice. To see a masterpiece, you can always go to the comic of Moore. Certainly, that hardly disappoint.

Title in English: Watchmen
Original title: Watchmen
Year: 2009
Country: United . UU
Director: Zack Snyder
Writer: Alex Tse, David Hayter (Graphic Novel: Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons)
Music: Tyler Bates
Fotografía: Larry Fong
Reparto: Jackie Earle Haley, Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, Matthew Goode, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Patrick Wilson, Carla Gugino, Matt Frewer, Stephen McHattie, Laura Mennell, Rob LaBelle, Gary Houston, James M. Connor, Mary Ann Burger, John Shaw, Robert Wisden, Jerry Wasserman, Don Thompson, Frank Novak, Ron Fassler, Stephanie Belding, Nhi Do, Walter Addison
Productora: Coproducción EEUU-Reino Unido-Canadá; Warner Bros. Pictures / Paramount Pictures / Legendary Pictures / DC Comics / Lawrence Gordon Productions
Duración: 163 min .


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