Monday, January 31, 2011

Rubbermaid Outlet Ontario

Valdemar, Valdemar ... Mr.

I have a plush Cthulhu, a cute green tentacles, which seems a tender Lettuce with wings. Over time, I've gotten so used to it, to reread the stories of Lovecraft which was referred to the antediluvian monster began to give me more laughter than anything else. There are more versions of Cthulhu in jest than in earnest, thousands of teddy bears dressed as Santa, Men in Black, with bows ... everything. Monster many versions of an unpronounceable name, and tributes (even in South Park) have ended up getting lost all its terror. Lovecraft must be turning in his grave, or laughter or anger. Fortunately

posters announcing that now populate Madrid Heritage Valdemar II, they seem to do justice to the original creature. Suddenly, the monster with tentacles again to fear, and no longer think of the lovely Lettuce.

Intrigued by the aftermath of Valdemar, I chanced to see the first film: the Legacy of Valdemar I. Supposedly inspired by Lovecraft's stories, you have to make good progress in the account to start seeing the relationship, which is delicate. So delicate that it does not hold that it is "based on" but it takes concepts he created, but if you expect to see a movie Lovecraftian , not even close. It is not the atmosphere, or the characters or the story itself, and incidentally, are not not monsters. But possibly not pretend that, and it does make a genre film.

Well, in that case, Valdemar I could address what appears initially as the first minute, typical haunted house movie. But shortly after that assessment is crumbling. Why? Well, is not exploited the atmosphere, we were not in resabidos clichés that do not work by now of the century. Moreover, the tense moment of the film is produced incorrectly within 20 minutes to start and fails to quicken the pulse in the least ... What disaster is this?

Well, actually it is not about a haunted house movie, then the story jumps from present to get lost in a flashback just cannibalizing the whole story. It's a risky action, but we can understand its use, sometimes. Here it is clear that plenty of material on the history and details on all sides which only further complicate the story. Just

the film and return to real time where we closed with a "continue." Nothing is explained, but are given the clues. At this point there are at least 8 characters in action, and the viewer has spent the last hour and a bit with the story of two who spent several years dead ...

Yes, of course the structure is unique, and it is understandable if it is rather a 3-hour movie cut in two. But there are many like that movie that successfully ended its first sequel better fortune.
The atmosphere is not convincing, does not cause the slightest concern at any stage, or terror or fear. Only the choice of Paco Mestre (Aleister Crowley) seems rightly taken from one of Lovecraft's stories, but the only exeption. In general, more reminiscent of a zombie movie than a horror movie, for excessive display of absolute nullity monsters and in the articulation of suspense.
Other details of the film, eventually throw it overboard: dialogues that continuously squeal, characterizations that do not end up convincing, superfluous details that are remembered in vain and a 3D credits very nice but they do not fit the story ...
In general, I think it's pretty clear that I was disappointed. Of course, I do not go to the cinema to see the second part. I'll stay with the cartel, Cthulhu himself to do justice to the terror that Lovecraft imagined.


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