Thursday, March 3, 2011

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The Oscars

Taking advantage of the situation

the 2011 Academy Awards, I dedicate to comment on what I think of some of the movies (and prizes).

First, I fully agree with the general opinion it was an awards ceremony "conservative." Especially since the king's speech was the most deserved awards. Not that this is a bad movie, but clearly a film "politically correct" which empathizes with the world because it is a story of self-personal, something already well seen but always gets to people. I think the highlight of the film is the performance of the two protagonists (Colin Firth and speech pathologist) XD, and above all, the air of British humor that gives the special touch of product alternative to what we're used to seeing. But removing these features, what remains is a movie that adds nothing new, but uses a formula known as a product to get complacent.

Much more risky, "the network", also nominated for best picture and direction, ran out of both and instead won the award for best adapted screenplay, in recognition of good work from Aaron Sorkin. He also won the Oscar for best soundtrack. And in this aspect is difficult to decide whether I deserved it more or less Reznor Hans Zimmer for the soundtrack of Origin .

And of course, Source Christopher Nolan, my favorite, was again the victim of the antipathy felt by the Academy for fantasy cinema: not only was not a best director nomination or assembly, if not all were received Oscars in technical categories: best picture, sound, sound editing and special effects.
Being nominated for best original screenplay, a story so compelling, complex and well done as it should have had many opportunities to win, but was King's Speech which unfairly snatched the prize. To say that Nolan is not even nominated for best direction and is itself scandalous.

As Value Act had many integers to win the award for best direction with the opera but not pretentious work of the Coen brothers. It is unthinkable that once again the king's speech, where no sequence visually calls attention, carry such an award. The Coen Brothers film, cinema is a review of western betting on a classic style renovated , where perhaps the only leftover from the movie are the last minutes of epilogue.

Ultimately, we know that the Academy Awards are not given the best, and only time just putting things in place. And you ... what do you think about the Oscars?


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