Monday, November 9, 2009

How To Defrost Sausages Fast



Event Funza Cundinamarca Colombia
WAT 7 November 2009 about 200 people
Support ticket
Ring side: 10,000 pesos General
: 5,000 pesos

First fight: Falcon Twin
2 vs Sagittarius
opened the night the great archer facing tough archrival hawk twin 2, which was interesting from beginning to end for a struggle of "home" event much movement and experience of the two Sagittarius attacked much of the time the bonds using twin falcon flying at the end showed his repertoire and with an iron screw style wing has managed to win three of Sagittarius.
Winner: Twin Hawk 2 to 20 minutes of fighting. 4 Star Rating

Second fight: executioner vs Professor

caste and is showed the experience of these two wrestlers still leave much to be desired that the physical state of these two in particular Professor, slow struggle with blows, bumps, sets and flying kicks some keying much blow resulted in a draw after the referee has to reach 20.
Result: a draw after 20 minutes of fighting.
Rating: 0 stars


struggle: Unknown
Sub-zero vs
amateurs struggle and the announcer said it was a surprise because they were not scheduled in theaters. They started with universal keying and making sub-zero began controlling the fight and try a loop by crushing as per ending unknown punishment for the two "double loop around the neck" after the tough fight and weakens controls technician in a sub cunning applies a table-zero marina within 5 minutes of struggle over getting the account unknown 3 and giving the winner a sub-zero.
Result: victory for sub-zero
Rating: 2 stars

fight: warrior vs Tony
nurse jr.
Excellent agility by Tony demonstrated throughout the struggle was a nurse jr rude but a bit disconcerting even that punishment was hard on Tony, quick fight good moves by two, to highlight an acrobatic movement Tony handstand on the strings ending with a nudge humanity punished It was after the nurse jr, the coach seemed to dominate the race but in an unexpected ending jr nurse applied a crab on which Tony could not resist and neglect.
Result: victory for Tony warrior to the 8 minute fight.
Rating: 3 stars.

Fifth struggle: Night-Man
Command vs
rudeness and coldness by attacking command instantly get the technical Night-Man
The fight was rather interesting from beginning to end, hurracarrana tweezers and tackles by Night-Man At the beginning of the fight using the command react keying and sets high quality always giving him a harsh punishment Night-Man.

Against Night-Man attacked with iron angel began to leave the ring blows hard and strong by the two gladiators, hammers, carousel and other on the hard, cold floor of the arena.
They used chairs and blunt objects by these two gladiators command nearly suffers a lesson by placing a chair and use it as springboard para castigar a Night-Man pero la silla resbalo y comando tuvo una fuerte caída sobre su pierna lo cual lo dejo fuera de la lucha por algunos minutos al final volvieron al ring Night-Man. Aplico la plancha del sapito y cuando todos daban como ganador a Night-Man .Comando resucito y aplico sobre su oponente el fondo del abismo lo cual dejo a Night-Man en mal estado cuenta de tres a favor de comando.
Ganador Comando el depredador del ring!calificas ion: 5 estrellas ( la mejor lucha de la noche estos dos gladiadores se encuentran en su mejor estado)

Sexta y última lucha:
Alastor & Dirk Maluk vs Halcón de Colombia & Kendo Nakamura
started with good movement marked the tough line against imposing his strength to react with excellent technical maneuvers and spectacular sets. Dirck rudazo Maluk The attempt to remove the mask of Kendo Nakamura for which he was reprimanded.
When the technicians returned to take control of the fight and looked like the sure winner because abandonment wrench applied on the rough stepped Sagittarius involved stopping all harsh punishment and all technicians to become a pitched battle.
Result: Winners & Kendo Colombia Hawk Nakamura by disqualification after 15 minutes of fighting.
Rating: 4 stars.
The good: the WAT Colombia is becoming a more consistent display events received by the public good, command and Night-Man starred in the best fight giving a touch of American-style hardcore.
The bad: Sound teas were doing when the public was already in, the professor level leaves much to be desired, the referee disconcerting lack of authority did not know position.


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