Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Parche Antifreeze Pokemon Heart Gold Usa


Aeromodelling Club of Los Palacios y Villafranca, held on November 4 the exhbicion models, on the magnificent runway to have this club on the outskirts of Palaces Sevilla direction are extraordirarias, well oriented with the sun behind wings very Tamta of parkin large as ensi track with great visibility, a real envy to have a track that category.
The day began with a slight cold and breezy, but sunny. At nine o'clock and had enough pilots riding their equipment and precious few of them major, had four at least 3m, well there was a 4-meter boat of our colleague and friend of Jesus, CHUS, who accompanied us this event and made noise with his boat, also our fellow Estiven Ecija Club and the Club de Fuentes and many others Club Wall, Utrera, Seville, El Puerto de Santamaria and some mas.De down there because up to 45 aircraft in attendance at this track, which porcierto Rafter all and on site for more aircraft as the track is tremendous. Pilots flew
tosdos heramos soon as many had no time for more, and by the afternoon the wind showed up as usual at these events and the track a bit tarnished, but some only offer drivers because there was a ....., couple of them like the wind gave them up, but everything went pretty well and take a day extraordinarioy from here I want to congratulate you for the wonderful event for the facilities which have and hope to see you soon. A greeting


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