Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog Post Commenting On Pencils


There is an attitude common to totalitarian regimes and the most conservative thought is to make silence as one who not only criticized them, but encourages people to think. Such being the case in our glorious country Garzon (and sorry because I never meant to carry a political issue in this blog, but there is no better example).

If the person in question says or does things that "annoy greatly to the political sector, action is discredited, its dirty laundry out, invalidating whatever. And if the thing still does not work, you can always put the personal use behind bars. No matter the method, the important thing is to silence forever the source of the problem and get the long awaited silence that engulfs the mass of the ignorant borreguería can continue his reign in this kind of leadership.

All this rant that came to mind at the root of the film Lenny , reviewing the biography of Lenny Bruce, a comedian in the years 50-60. The monologues of Lenny had a politically charged social criticism and certainly "disturbed" greatly. So I certainly had to shut him up, and locked, if necessary.

If someone begins to bother you, because you know, everybody just annoying and finally stir things and they might even question who makes sitting in power. And that it does not.
is a story that is repeated continuously throughout history, but a film recounting something that happened in U.S. in the 60's I remember a certain situation, give me an idea of \u200b\u200bhow we have progressed in these terms. Well

about this attitude is something that is called censorship in most civilized countries. But when we think we are superior in Spain or at least matched with the rest of Europe consider that may be no such concept in our country splendor, it sounds like bullshit.

Meanwhile, even if they change the methods and forms, in the end the goal remains the same. And people "annoying" like me, we are left to kick and keep kicking it to be. For perhaps despite the kicking things do not go on the road to change, I do not even kicked mass were reduced to lethargic and dull that they want us to be. So yes it will be very easy to make us think and act as they want. That is what they want in the background. And that it does not.

Title in English: Lenny
Original title: Lenny
Year: 1974
Country: United . U.S.
Director: Bob Fosse
Screenplay: Julian Barry (Theater: Julian Barry)
Music: Ralph Burns
Photography: Bruce Surtees (B & W)
Dustin Hoffman, Valerie Perrine, Jan Miner, Stanley Beck, Gary Morton
Company: United Artists
Duration: 112 min.


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