Saturday, May 1, 2010

Highest Triglyceride Level

The suicide song

usually after seeing a film if I find something I think is interesting or striking me jump to the computer to research it. In this case, Kovak Box, Daniel Monzon was the mention of the suicide song, Gloomy Sunday . According to the film, it's a song that encourages people to kill themselves, and apparently this is a true story.

The fabrication was composed by Hungarian composer Rezső Seress, who in turn suicide. In the United States was made famous by Billie Holliday. According to urban legend, is the cause of many cases of suicide, even to prohibit its broadcast on the radio. The sinister reputation of the song was fed as a convenient marketing campaign. It is true that the song, of course, is pretty grim, but, yes, very nice.
leave here a link to the version of the song that I liked (which is sung by Laura Brightman) and the cheerful letter. There is also a slightly more lively version of Portishead , if the first version is too depressing. Yes, stay away from windows and sharp objects if you listen, even if just in case ....

Gloomy Sunday Gloomy Sunday

with a hundred white flowers

I Was waiting for you my dearest with a prayer

A Sunday morning, chasing after my dreams


carriage of my sorrow returned to me without you

Since Then It Is That My Sundays Have Been

forever sad Tears my only drink , the sorrow my bread ...

Gloomy Sunday This last Sunday

, my darling please come to me

There'll be a priest, a coffin, a catafalque and a winding-sheet

There'll be flowers for you, flowers and a coffin

Under the blossoming trees it will be my last journey

My eyes will be open, so that I could see you for a last time

Don't be afraid of my eyes, I'm blessing you even in my death...

The last Sunday»


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