Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Write A Congratulations Pregnancy Card

" Team Attack " , total nonsense

If you recently made reference to the pleasant surprise I had expected "The Shield" , starring Steven Seagal , this time playing the other side of the coin. "Team Attack" ( Attack Force , 2006) is possibly the worst film of the extensive filmography of the star of "Above the law" . Yes, I must say that not all the blame is yours, because the circumstances surrounding the film are of course much more interesting than its argument. But we split.

Here's the synopsis of the film, which is not easy to tell given the large number of irrelevance of the plot: The film starts with an attack on a military base that is aborted by Marshall Lawson (Steven Seagal ). Then, as his team celebrated the success of the mission, are brutally murdered by a prostitute in a hotel. The death of Lawson's men is associated with a drug called CTX that transforms the decision into powerful killing machines. Lawson then investigate the story in which military personnel are involved.

Before further analysis of the film, it is necessary to explain the unusual circumstances surrounding the shooting of this film. Prince its original title was "Harvester" ("Reaper" or "Harvester" as translated) and its plot orginał was closer to science fiction: it Seagal's character faced alien vampires ... The producers of the film when they saw the final result decided to change the whole alien plot by the new argument of the drug becomes superasesinos. Both Seagal as the screenwriter Joe Halpin ( "Mercenary" ) and director Michael Keusch ( "Shadow Man" ) ceased production, so that those responsible filmed new scenes with the cast and much of the intensified dialogue Steven Seagal .

El resultado no podría ser peor: Steven Seagal apenas aparece unos veinte o treinta minutos en pantalla, aunque sus escenas están repartidas por todo el film y en muchas se le filma de espaldas para que no se note que es un doble. El guión no tiene ni pies ni cabeza con personajes que aparecen y desaparecen. Apenas hay acción y la que hay está filmada de manera torpe. Poco o nada se puede salvar de este film, si acaso su doblaje al español que hace más soportable su visionado, ya que entre otras cosas evitas el redoblaje que hicieron de las escenas de diálogo de Seagal donde ni siquiera coinciden los diálogos con los movimientos de sus labios.

I would have liked to see the original material filmed at the beginning to realize its extent, though I'm sure the trio being Seagal, Halpin and Keusch the middle I do not think that we've lost a lot. We owe them "jewels" as "Shadow Man" or "Flight of Wrath , but this time I'm sure you would not have done so badly.

best: the dubbing into English.
worst: the film itself.


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