Sunday, October 24, 2010

Derivative Interview Questions

"The Shield", Steven Seagal returns all wanted to see

Since in 2001, he "Exit Wounds" , which incidentally was number one in the American box office, the career of Steven Segal has gone downhill without brakes. Most films that starred since been released directly to DVD and all but one honorable exception, of dubious quality. films as "Shadow Man" or "Strike at Dawn" is Seagal sees a old and with a few extra kilos, which just shoot and just fight, and when it does it using double. So when on Saturday released Antena 3 The film in question, one not seen much hope the preceding, but, surprise, "The Shield" ( The Keeper , 2009), is a more than decent action movie and the best that has made Steven Seagal recently, but let's be honest that was not very difficult to achieve.

The film introduces us to Roland Sallinger ( Seagal), a Los Angeles policeman who is about to be murdered by his own teammate. While recovering from wounds, is forced out of the body. Then the daughter of an old friend gets attacked, so when this enlists the help of Roland, do not hesitate to go to New Mexico and work as a bodyguard for the young. (As you can see, your argument seems a Series B remake "The fire of vengeance" )

This film should be emphasized especially Steven Seagal, which recovers some of the elements that were successful: his fights and his sense of humor. Regarding the former, returns to fight without (almost) double and even has final fight. Years pass and of course your fighting style is not the same old, but is grateful to return from an arm. As to the sense of humor, he missed seeing a Steven Seagal happy. In his later films, for one reason or another, the characters barely smiled. Here, fortunately that does not happen and the good humor that follows Seagal, helps the film.

As for the rest of the cast little or no stress, and its stereotypical characters, from the driver Latino Sallinger helps to hateful girl's boyfriend. Moreover, its director Keoni Waxman Hawaiian , that after this film again collaborate with Seagal in the still unpublished "A Dangerous Man" , filming the movie with correction. The action scenes do not go down in history but at least they filmed effectively.

Another advantage the film is that the script is not farfetched. Nor is there any conspiracy or anything weird like that. It's simple, predictable and full of topics but in a movie like this is appreciated, because then the film goes straight to the point.

In summary, "The Shield" is not a film that will go down in film history, much less action. It is simply an entertaining film and contented especially those who grew up watching Steven Seagal movies , and recently his movies truth had become more aborrecilble that appetizing. For Indeed, it is better to see it dubbed into English because apart from his superb voice talent, you avoid a blunder of the original version, where the name of the character of Seagal, he used to Ballinger Sallinger ...

Best : Steven Seagal trying to get back to the old days
worst: some parts of the script, although it must be remembered that this is a Steven Seagal movie


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