Thursday, December 30, 2010

Brown Hair With Highlights 2010

The problem of social network Meeble

Mr Meeble a good man who knows everything about everything, but you have a problem .... if you think about it, ceases to exist .

This allegory about the existence of God, is one of the ideological pillars of Way, the controversial film Javier Fesser .

The director was based on a true story, the story of the girl Alexia González - Barrós , suffering from a tumor cervical who died at 14 years of age in a family of believers.
adaptation caused many critics complained that the story is far from real history, although it is fairly clear when seeing the film that was far less Fesser idea of \u200b\u200btranslating the story reliable.

Regarding the actual story Alexia, I could make nothing of it looking for internet to begin by the existence of numerous pages of questionable neutrality with impunity attack Fesser work and give their own version of the affair.

From what I can talk about is the movie, as film itself
Road is the story of a girl of 12 who found the doors of adolescence, falls seriously ill and at the same time.
The story is a fierce and forceful criticism of religious fanaticism, and of course, openly, to Opus Dei .
Fesser has all the elements of the film (from the choice of the names of the characters, even the script itself) to help you achieve your goal clearly, carefully assembled to construct a story that wasted, not criticism, all a way of understanding life and religion, an attitude which medievalesca The exaltation of the suffering as a spiritual path to liberation, which dehumanizes the human being to become a single object in the sight of God is not worthy until it has redeemed the sin of his mere existence.
In the midst of this harsh environment, Fesser contrasts the thoughts and experiences of Camino, whose positive spirit in tackling the disease (only point we agree so Fesser as his harshest critics) favors to be used as a puppet in the service of fans.

The rawness of the story is softened by the poetry that gives the soundtrack, the aesthetic de la película y el cuidadoso montaje. Dicho contraste configura una espléndido relato donde las impecables actuaciones de todos los personajes, y en especial de la protagonista, Nerea Camacho , concurren contribuyen a darle una favorable verosimilitud.

En definitiva, una hermosa historia que está claro que despierta muchísimas ampollas, lo cual es algo inquietante para tratarse de una obra que ante todo reivindica la vida y la libertad.

Titulo en español: Camino
Título original: Camino
Año: 2008
País: España
Director: Javier Fesser
Guión: Javier Fesser
Reparto: : Nerea Camacho, Carmen Elías, Mariano Venancio, Manuela Vellés, Ana Gracia, Lola Casamayor, Lucas Manzano,Pepe Ocio, Claudia Otero, Jordi Dauder, Emilio Gavira, Miriam Raya
Mediapro,Películas Pendelton
Música: Rafa Arnau y Mario Gosálvez
Director de fotografía: Alex Catalán A.E.C
Duración: 143 min.


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